Dear Community Leaders
Kuumba Community Activity
Program (KCAP) is a non-profit community motivation and cultural education program.
It was founded by Dock Russell in 1995 in Hackensack, NJ. This program is designed to build self-esteem,
trust and goal setting strategies among youths and young adults by addressing family and community
needs, and problems and responsibilities threatening their social and positive solutions.
We are in the process of introducing our new Movie Media Program which will give us the opportunity to
motivate, educate and get others involved in our challenge to culturally and socially change the
behaviors, habits and attitudes in our communities to create a better society.
Together we can help make the youth and their parents aware of thrie fears and emotions and raise their
conscious levels of community responsiibility. This situation can be turned into opportunities of good will
by using entertainment as a means of educating others. Contact me soon to discuss this exciting program at 551-574-0181
or e-mail